

This tag is associated with 23 posts

Miroslav Tichý : “Photography is painting with light “

Tichy is truly one of the great ‘finds’ of an unknown artist who worked on the outside edges of the art world. Following the communist takeover Tichy spent some eight years in prison camps and jails for no particular reason other than he was ‘different’ and was considered subversive. Upon his release in the early … Continue reading

Cy Twombly : American Artist

In a career that slyly subverted Abstract Expressionism, toyed briefly with Minimalism, seemed barely to acknowledge Pop Art and anticipated some of the concerns of Conceptualism, Mr. Twombly was a divisive artist almost from the start. The curator Kirk Varnedoe, on the occasion of a 1994 retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art, wrote that … Continue reading

Josef Sudek Photographer

Josef Sudek was born in 1896 in Kolin on the Labe in Bohemia. As a boy he learned the trade of bookbinding. He was drafted into the Hungarian Army in 1915 and served on the Italian Front until he was wounded in the right arm. Infection set in and eventually surgeons removed his arm at … Continue reading

Edgar Degas, Photographer

“These days, Degas abandons himself entirely to his new passion for photography,” wrote an artist friend in autumn 1895, the moment of the great Impressionist painter’s most intense exploration of photography. (…) Degas’s photographic figure studies, portraits of friends and family, and self-portraits—especially those in which lamp-lit figures emerge from darkness—are imbued with a Symbolist … Continue reading

Aurel Bauh – Photographer

Aurel Bauh – romanian photographer (1900 – 1964) The young Aurel, very talented and art inclined, went to Paris to study with the great painter Fernand Leger. He introduced him to the ukrainian artist and sculptor Archipenko – with whom he will further his studies, in Berlin, in the early 20′s. Stimulated by friends, but … Continue reading

Tina Modotti by Edward Weston

One night after – all day I have been intoxicated with the memory of last night and overwhelmed with the beauty and madness of it – I need but to close my eyes and find myself not once more but still near you in that beloved darkness – with the flavor of wine yet on … Continue reading

Fibonacci met Reinfried Marass, but who is Fibonacci ?

When Fibonacci met Reinfried Marass, but who is Fibonacci ? Fibonacci (Leonardo Pisano Bigollo c. 1170 – c. 1250), was an Italian mathematician, considered by some “the most talented western mathematician of the Middle Ages. The Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of integers, starting with 0, 1 and continuing 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, …, each new number being the sum of … Continue reading

Manuel Álvarez Bravo

“A photographer’s main instrument is his eyes. Strange as it may seem, many photographers choose to use the eyes of another photographer, past or present, instead of their own. Those photographers are blind.” – Manuel Álvarez Bravo Manuel Álvarez Bravo (1902 – 2002) was Mexico’s first principal artistic photographer and is the most important figure in 20th … Continue reading

Reinfried Marass “Portfolio”

“There exists an unwritten contract, a form of a codex, between the photographer and the viewer. A photograph must reflect the truth. A photographer must be credible. No lies. Raw and honest. I take pictures by reading the available light. I never have owned a flash or similar lighting equipment. I love to work with … Continue reading

Nude – Pablo Neruda and Photographers

Photo: Erich Consemüller (1902-1957)  untitled, 1926 Naked, you are simple as one of your hands, smooth, earthy, small, transparent, round: you have moon-lines, apple-pathways: naked, you are slender as a naked grain of wheat. Naked, you are blue as a night in Cuba; you have vines and stars in your hair; naked you are spacious and … Continue reading

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Dreams – Astor Piazzolla/ Carmen Lobo

Peter Seelig “Time is the reality of absence”

poster und Kunstdrucke kaufen

Horacio Cacciabue

